Flat Foam Pads 115mm x 115mm

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Matting becomes an easy, comfortable job with this foam backing pad. The sanding grit is no longer applied on a paper backing but directly glued into the foam. The result is astonishing: faster matting than with traditional scuff rolls solutions, finer than with foam backing abrasives, more flexibility to get access to the smallest corners and water absorbing!

01 Holds liquid, so easy to dose.
The FFP can be used dry, but performs better in combination with mattening paste, water based degreaser or just water. Combined with water based degreaser, the panel is mattened and degreased in one single application. Due to the special foam holding the liquid, one can easily adjust the amount that should be released and adapt during the application.

02 Easy access to difficult areas with maximum sanding comfort.
Due to the foam backing, the FFP has the fl exibility to reach more difficult spots or harder to sand areas without tearing or losing its strength. At the same time, the fl at foam pad offers a comfortable sanding method perfect for every finish.

03 No risk of sanding through or leaving behind marks
The calibrated FFP grits will results in an even and fi ner finish on the sanding area whilst traditional papers and/or scuff rolls can leave irregular sanding marks.

04 Perfect for blending - eliminates the need for unnecessary polishing.
Whether it is applying primer, or fi nishing up, the FFP eliminates the need for extra sanding and unnecessary polishing.
Code Description Box Pal
FFP 0320 Flat foam pad 115 x 115mm PRIMER PREP 50p. 8
FFP 0500 Flat foam pad 115 x 115mm BASE COAT PREP 50p. 8
FFP 0800 Flat foam pad 115 x 115mm CLEAR COAT PREP 50p. 8
FFP 1500 Flat foam pad 115 x 115mm CLEAR COAT FADE OUT 50p. 8
Useful for:
Silicone remover
Silicone remover
Matting compound
Matting compound
POL 70
Sanding paper 114mm x 25m - Softback
Sanding paper 114mm x 25m - Softback
SPFA 0150 - 1000
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